Numinous (adj.) – „Describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted – the powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired.“ Since the founding of our company in the summer of 2020, we have been eagerly and happily applying this very special definition to our products.


The design of Numinous Art candles is unique. The tins can be reused due to the candle’s nearly complete burn, meaning they don’t have to be thrown away after use. On the contrary, they are perfect for repurposing as spice containers, jewelry storage, and much more.


In the spring of 2020, Lea and Niclas first came into contact with the topic of „vegan candles“ and began to take great pleasure in pouring candles.

Initially, they started in their parents‘ kitchen, but when the space became too small, they moved into the garage and converted it into a real candle studio. In the same year, the company „Numinous Art“ was founded, and since then it has been dedicated to developing new products.


Lea and Niclas, two business students from Aalen, Germany, founded Numinous Art in the summer of 2020. They laid the foundation for a company dedicated to creating unique, sustainable products.

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